Folgore Level 1
Joined: Jun 30, 2008 Posts: 1
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:31 pm Post subject: Folgore |
Real Life age (optional):18
Hours you play a week:65+
Time Zone you are in:Est
Why do you want to join us?-Raid, instances, pvp.
Do you know any Members? If so, who?-no
Do you own Desert of Flames, Kingdom of Sky, The fallen Dynasty, Echo Of Faydwer?-Yep
Do you have PVE Raid experience? (If yes, please detail. Kindred/Absolution/Wildfire do not count as experience.)-A little, not much tho
Do you have PVP experience? (If yes, please detail)-Who doesn't?
Ventrilo is Mandatory : ( This is a Voice Over IP Software found at ) Do you understand this?-Yep
Have you read our Raid Loot Policy found on the Site Navigation bar on the left hand side of the website?-Yep
Have you read our Code Of Conduct found on the Site Navigation bar on the left hand side of the website?-Yep
Have you read our Recruitment Policy and Rules found as a "Sticky" in our Recruitment Forums?-Yep
Have you applied with us previously? (If yes, please explain)-No
Please list any 50+ alts you have in FP or Q. If you do not want them made public give the names to an officer.-Pm me officer
The use of hacks will result in membership termination. Do you understand this?-Yep
Do you have a problem with lewd conversations?-Nope |